Bring ‘Em to the Yard

spicescafedenvercateringOur milkshakes bring all the customers to our restaurant, and they’re like ,”Yours is so much better than ours.” Sometimes things just taste better when someone else makes them. You can order everything you want by calling and making a customizable menu. Call us today!

What’s the Plan?


What’s the plan, man?  You need one when you’re planning an event. Spices Cafe can help you plan your custom menu, satisfied to your needs. From our award winning soup to gluten-free meals we will work with you for the meals you need and want! Call today to start a custom menu!

Early Thanksgiving Thoughts

spicescafedenvercateringcustommenufourthofjulyThanksgiving is coming up soon! Are you tired of slaving over your oven all day? Spices Cafe is the answer to all your needs! With our customizable menu, we can meet your needs! Call us today to book!




What’s better than a warm meal topped off with some delicious cookies? With the blustery days we’ve been having, I know I’ve been craving some fresh cookies and some soup! Stop by to get some, or call us today to make your custom menu!

Hot and Cold!

spicescafedenvercateringicecreamcoolsummerUndoubtedly, ice cream is one the most popular sweets come summer time. It would be a shame to skip over them when you order with us! Not only is our ice cream supreme, our hot food are too. Our award-winning soup will also make your mouth water!

Call today to make your customized menu , with Spices Cafe!

Spice Up Your Life!


As the Spice Girls once said,

Spice up your life 
Every boy and girl 
Spice up your life 
People of the world 
Spice up your life!”

We make food for everyone! Call Spices Cafe today to spice up your life with our custom menus, award winning soups, and more!