

What’s better than a warm meal topped off with some delicious cookies? With the blustery days we’ve been having, I know I’ve been craving some fresh cookies and some soup! Stop by to get some, or call us today to make your custom menu!

Hot and Cold!

spicescafedenvercateringicecreamcoolsummerUndoubtedly, ice cream is one the most popular sweets come summer time. It would be a shame to skip over them when you order with us! Not only is our ice cream supreme, our hot food are too. Our award-winning soup will also make your mouth water!

Call today to make your customized menu , with Spices Cafe!

Spice Up Your Life!


As the Spice Girls once said,

Spice up your life 
Every boy and girl 
Spice up your life 
People of the world 
Spice up your life!”

We make food for everyone! Call Spices Cafe today to spice up your life with our custom menus, award winning soups, and more!

Go Out With a Bang


Fourth of July is coming up! Spices Cafe wants to help you go out with a bang this holiday!  

Feast upon your custom menu, while watching the fireworks this Fourth of July. Call us today to get it all set up!

To the Rescue!


Did you just realize Father’s Day is tomorrow, and that you have nothing planned? Never fear, Spices Cafe is here! Spend some quality time with dad tomorrow instead of slaving away to get everything perfect.

We can help out by bringing the meal of dad’s dreams! Our award winning soup and customized menus will surely win dad over! Call today to make the perfect menu for dad and the family to enjoy!

Father’s Day is the Best Day


Father’s Day is coming up soon, and you don’t want to be slaving away over a meal, when you could be spending quality time with dad!

So let Spices Cafe help you out! Our award winning catering and custom menu will allow dad to have his favorite dishes without you lifting a finger.

Give us a call today, or stop by our convenient Denver location. 


Summer is Here!


Guys, it’s 85 degrees today. I think we can officially say that summer has started. With that, it’s time to start thinking about summer BBQ’s, Fourth of July celebrations, get togethers on the patio, and all the other fun events that come with beautiful weather. 

But we all know the events can turn less than beautiful for you if you have to be the one slaving over a meal for all your guests – so kick back, relax and have fun while Spices Cafe does the work for you!

Give us a call today to set up your perfect summer menu, and we’ll make sure you get to enjoy every bit of this beautiful season!